ConformitiesTÜV type test Suitability tested acc. DIN EN 15267-1 (2009), DIN-EN 15267-2 (2009), DIN EN 15859 (2010), DIN EN 14181 (2014) Certified for use as Dust monitor and Leak monitor for filter control downstream of dust collectors at installations requiring approval (13th BlmSchV, 17th BlmSchV, 27th BlmSchV, 30th BlmSchV, 44th BlmSchV and TA Luft)
Measured variablesCO2, SO2, NO, NO2, CO, NH3, H2O, CH4
Ambient temperature range 0 °C ... +50 °C Type approved up to 45 °C
ConformitiesMARPOL Annex VI and NTC 2008 – MEPC.177(58) Guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems – MEPC.340(77) Guidelines for SCR reduction systems – MEPC.198(62) DNV Rules for Type Approvals (2012) IACS E10 and Rules of major classification societies
Measuring rangeMore than 60 measuring components available (depending on concentration and sample gas composition) Up to 6 components simultanously 2 measuring ranges per component Automatic measuring range switching (adjaustable) 2 limit values per component Measuring ranges depend on application and combination of measuring components