Martin Raab
Head of Public Communication and Group Media Spokesman, global
Endress+Hauser is one of the world’s best companies in 2024. The specialist for measurement technology and automation solutions is listed in the prestigious World’s Best Companies ranking, which is published annually by the US news magazine Time and Statista, an online platform for statistics. The award emphasizes Endress+Hauser’s commitment to sustainable growth, employee satisfaction and industry leadership.
For the World’s Best Companies ranking, companies from various sectors worldwide are comprehensively assessed. Three key dimensions take center stage: employee satisfaction, sales growth and sustainability. Endress+Hauser was able to clearly set itself apart from the competition, taking 677 place in the overall ranking with 84.5 out of 100 points.
To assess employee satisfaction, Time magazine and Statista analyzed data from a global survey of 170,000 participants in more than 50 countries. Figures from the last three years were included in the assessment of sales growth. In addition, various ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) factors were assessed using standardized KPIs. All three dimensions were then weighted equally to arrive at the final score.
Endress+Hauser managed to secure a place in the ranking out of 10,000 companies assessed and was thus recognized as one of the World’s Best Companies 2024.
The complete list is available here: World's Best Companies of 2024 | TIME
Martin Raab
Head of Public Communication and Group Media Spokesman, global